God’s Gifts!

2 Timothy 1:6, “For this reason I remind your to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands.”

Good morning friends in Christ!  Technical difficulties to blame for not posting since Monday!  Ugh! As believers we know that God gives us special gifts.  These gifts are to be used to bring glory to God.  We do not all have the same gifts and God has given each of us a special task to use and develop our gifts.  So one person with the gift of encouragement may visit sick people in the hospital and another may write a blog!  Another may have the gift of teaching and serve God in a local church or on the mission filed around the world.  The important thing to grasp here is that God gives us each an important gift or gifts and we are to use them as He has wired us to use them.  It can be difficult not to envy another the gifts they have received, yet this is exactly what God wants from us.  Do the task that He  has gifted us to do.  Envy is a sin and the devil’s tool; so do not allow Him access to you!

When you know what your gift is, ask God to show you how He wants you to use it.  I will testify that the gift of encouragement in me, did not see a blog coming.  I am so technology challenged that this would be the last avenue I would choose to encourage people!  Yet my God made it very clear this was the avenue He chose for this season in my life!  So I chose to be obedient.  This is all that God asks of us to obey in the using of our gifts, and in this He receives all the glory!  When we move forward in using the gifts God has given us, in the way He is guiding us; then many are blessed and the blessing returns to us!  I love how uniquely complex our God is!  Each of us using our gifts in the way He has chosen for us, makes a beautiful tapestry that is ever-changing and growing in its magnificence. Do you want to be a part of something bigger than yourself?  Then ask God to show you the path He has chosen for your gifts to shine and breathe life into others and bring glory to Himself!!

Ignite your gifts into a bright and unstoppable flame with God’s help!!

Love and prayers, Paula Nebel

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