Be Thankful!

Philippians 4:6-7, “Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything.  Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all He has done.  Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand.  His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.”


Good morning friends in Christ!  This is a day of reflection for me and just feeling so very thankful.  God has been very faithful this week.  We had a large tree come down on our house Sunday evening.  It split up high and on its way down it got stuck on another tree, hitting the roof of our house but not coming through.  Then on Monday evening it finished its decent and damaged the roof more and the deck.  All in all we were saved from devastating damage, more importantly no one was hurt!  Material things can be replaced, people can not!

As I have been reflecting on God’s goodness, and praising Him,  these verses came to mind.  Philippians 4: 6-7 have become my life verses.  I have clung to them as I have stood solidly on the Rock of my Salvation.  As I have been through difficult times in my life these verses have reminded me of God’s character and goodness; His unfailing love and kindness.  I am reminded not to worry first thing, which is something that is very easy for me to do.  God has shown me through many trials that He is all I need and His strength  guides me and covers my weaknesses.  In thanking God for who He is and for His love and peace, I have seen first hand how His peace truly does guard my heart and mind.  It has kept me from worry that only causes more problems and solves nothing!   God’s peace also, has protected me from falling into the pit of depression and despair.
As I am reflecting and praising my God today, may you also, take the time to do the same.  Whatever is going on in your world today, stop right now and thank Him!  Thank HIm for sending His son so that you will be saved for eternity; thank Him for the peace that only He can give in times of trouble; thank Him for guarding your heart and mind from bitterness and anger, depression and despair;  Thank Him for always hearing us when we pray!  Do not worry today, Pray and thank your Almighty, Abba, Father today!!!

Love and prayers, Paula Nebel

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